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Shop At Home Experience

FA Shop at Home Experience

Do you want to shop fabulous new styles, but struggle to get into the store? Now we are offering a Shop at Home Experience for our Lower Mainland clients, where we will come to you! You can shop all your favourite brands in the comfort of your home with our fabulous stylist Laverne!

How it works:

-          Start with a -phone consultation with Laverne to plan out what you need and what she will bring you!

-          Schedule a 1 hour at home visit within the next week! Visits will take place between 10am and 4pm

-          A deposit of $250 must be paid at the time of booking, and will go towards your final shopping total

-          Laverne will bring everything to you to try on at home, she will bring up to 2 sizes of styles when possible

-          Everything you love will be yours to keep, and if alternate sizes are required, we will arrange to have them delivered to you. Final payments for all items will be processed the day of the appointment.

-          The fee for the Shop at Home Experience will be applied to your final total.

Call our Langley store (604) 534-2375 to set up a consultation! 


-Minimum of $500 buy is required for the service, not including the service fee. $250 deposit will be made at the time of booking and go towards this final total.

-Service fee is based on distance from our Langley locations: $25 for distances less than 25km, $30 for distances 25-40 km, and $35 for distances more than 40km.

This service is only offered to our Lower Mainland, BC clients right now, but we are working on expanding to other areas!


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